Viewlands Primary School

Viewlands Primary School
Grow through learning

Enrolling at Viewlands Primary School

If you have a child who will be five years old on or before 28 February 2025 and is due to start P1 in August 2024, please complete the enrolment form for academic year 2024/2025 from 8 January 2024.

Primary School Registration form

To check if you live in the catchment area for Viewlands Primary School please click this page and enter your address and/or postcode


Parents also do have the right to make a placing request asking that your child be granted a place in a school other than your local catchment area school if you prefer.  To do that you can make a placing request, please click on the link below to make a request using the online form.  Please note that placing requests are only handled once the registration window has been completed.



For more information on the school enrolment process please refer to the Perth & Kinross website by clicking here School enrolment - Perth & Kinross Council